Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money in 2023

Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money in 2023?


Affiliate Marketing is a profitable online business. It refers to earning a commission by promoting an individual or company’s product or service. Many people are interested in affiliate marketing but think they need more money to invest. So everyone asks, Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money? So in this article, let’s explore how to start affiliate marketing without any money and succeed in it.

Can You Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money?

Yes, you can start affiliate marketing as a beginner without paying any money. It can be expanded if you have more income. You need to follow a few strategies to start affiliate marketing without any money. And here, patience, persistence, and consistency will bring you income

Understand Affiliate Marketing

Before starting affiliate marketing, one must have an understanding of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based business model. You promote someone else’s or a company’s product or service and earn a commission here. Here you act as a broker between the seller and the customer. You need to send customers to your product’s sales page through your unique link and get them to buy.

Can You Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money? Let us explore the answer to the question.

Find a micro niche.

Can you start affiliate marketing with no money

Do you know what a niche is? A niche refers to a category. Examples include Home & Kitchen, Health & fitness, Art & crafts. Here Home & kitchen is a category, and the kitchen is called a niche. And you can get micro-niches like knives, blenders, or fryers from the kitchen niche. So choose a micro niche that suits you. If you are a beginner, you can earn income in affiliate marketing only if you choose a micro niche.

Find the right affiliate program.

Choosing the right affiliate program is as crucial as choosing a niche for starting affiliate marketing. Find out what are the best examples of affiliate programs. From there, selecting an affiliate program suitable for your niche is best. Some affiliate programs provide easy approval. Some will expect a few requirements. So join affiliate programs that can provide approval quickly.

Create a free high-quality website.

Create a high quality website

Creating a website is essential to start affiliate marketing. Usually, investment requires to build a website. Investment is required to buy hosting & domain. But without any investment, you can create a website for free through sites like Blogger, Wix,, and Google Sites. Here Blogger and Google Sites are products of Google. With the Wix platform, you can easily create a website by drag & drop method.

Here you can quickly and beautifully create a website using free templates that suit your needs. Speed and mobile responsiveness should be considered while designing a website. Consider these and choose one of the above-mentioned platforms to set up a website for free.

Create quality content for your website.

After designing a website, it is essential to create quality content. You should find out the problems of the People related to your niche. Your product and content should be a solution to their problem. If so, they will immediately purchase your products.

You must provide a quality review for your chosen product. The product you select should be genuinely helpful to people. So you should choose quality products, provide reviews, and fill your website with content.

So far, many have asked Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money? We explored the first step of the question to create a website without any payment and publish content on it. The following steps are significant. It is a free way to promote your products. So let’s explore this further.

How to promote your affiliate products for free

No matter how beautifully you design your website, if you know the strategies to promote, you can only succeed in your business. You can earn money only by bringing users to your website. So below are the steps to get users to your website for free.

Understand the power of SEO.

SEO plays an essential role in bringing traffic to your product. Through this only, you can get organic traffic. SEO should be done for every content you write. Before writing content, find the keyword people are searching about your product. There are many free tools for that. You can find them by searching for a “free keyword research tool” on Google.

You should find less competitive keywords that more people search. Content should be created using those keywords. There are many videos on YouTube about creating SEO content. You can learn about SEO by visiting it.

Tactics of Social Media

Social media plays an essential role in promoting your affiliate products. You should share the published content on your social media. Start and maintain an account for your brand on each social media. When you share your content, you can attract more audience by using hashtags, joining groups, and sharing there. So create your accounts on the social media given below.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Tumblr
  • Telegram

Use free Email marketing tools.

Email marketing for free

Email marketing is the best way to promote affiliate products. By collecting your customers’ emails and retargeting them, you can see more sales. you can use many free email marketing tools. Mailchimp and Sendinblue are some of the essential tools. Also, many platforms are offering 30-day free trial. An example of such a tool is “Getresponse“. To promote your products, use these free email marketing tools.

Youtube and Video Marketing.

Youtube is the second largest search engine. People go to Google and youtube to get solutions to their problems. In that way, YouTube is a great resource. Here should provide a detailed description of your products. Or create videos that people can understand in a short time through shorts. And by using more video marketing methods like TikTok, you can get your product or service to a large audience for free. You can also get more sales.

You can get the result for the question, “Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money?” by doing the steps above and using many more free strategies. You can earn a substantial income in affiliate marketing only if you do the above things consistently with patience. When you use these free methods continuously, you will get experience and income from it, invest it and you can change the website in your preferred way and bring more sales by using other strategies.


Affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online. But few people have the investment to do this. So everyone, Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money? They ask the question. Affiliate marketing can be done without investment. There are many free methods for that. By continuously doing them, you can start affiliate marketing for free.

1 thought on “Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money in 2023?”

  1. This is as simple as you explained, it’s sure gonna encourage every beginner to start, affiliate marketing has always been an abstract to me, but with this article I can see some light.

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